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Class MessageCommands


  • MessageCommands




  • sendAsBot(text: string, onUserReply?: undefined | ((event: MessageEventData) => void)): void
  • Opens the chat window (if not already open) and sends a message to the user as if from the bot. Executes the optionally-provided callback function when the user replies to the message (if they do so). Note: the bot will not "remember" that it sent this message, so any user replies will cause the bot to continue where it left off before this message was sent.


    // Send a message to the user saying "Hello!" as if from the bot
    // Send a message to the user saying "Hello!" as if from the bot, and then
    // log details about their response to the console when they reply
    Otis.messages.sendAsBot("Hello!", (event) => {
      console.log("User said:", event.data.text);
      console.log("At:", new Date(event.data.timestamp));
      if (event.data.freeform) {
        console.log("(they sent this message by typing into the text box)");
      } else {
        console.log("(they sent this message by clicking a button)");


    • text: string

      Message text to send as if from the bot

    • Optional onUserReply: undefined | ((event: MessageEventData) => void)

      Callback function to be executed once the user replies (optional)

    Returns void


  • sendAsUser(text: string, onBotReply?: undefined | ((event: MessageEventData) => void)): void
  • Opens the chat window (if not already open) and sends a message to the bot as if from the user. Executes the optionally-provided callback function when the bot replies to the message. The bot will not "know" the difference between this message and a message genuinely sent from the user.


    // Send a message to the bot so that it tells the user what this location's
    // business hours are
    Otis.messages.sendAsUser("When are you open?");
    // Send a message to the bot so that it tells the user what this location's
    // business hours are, then log details about the bot's response to the
    // console when it replies
    Otis.messages.sendAsUser("When are you open?", (event) => {
      console.log("Bot said:", event.data.text);
      console.log("At:", new Date(event.data.timestamp));


    • text: string

      Message text to send as if from the bot

    • Optional onBotReply: undefined | ((event: MessageEventData) => void)

      Callback function to be executed once the user replies (optional)

    Returns void